Why should I get tested?;

We are surrounded by more health advice than ever, but what’s really right for you?

In the past we could only answer this question in a very general way, everyone got the same recommendation on everything from nutrition to skin health and everything in between.

Now, you can advance beyond one-size-fits-all suggestions and results could point you toward the prevention measures most suited to you.

How can I benefit from a Genetix23 DNA test;

Genetix23 DNA Tests empowers individuals and their consulting professionals with the information needed to make more educated decisions about their needs. The key being prevention, Genetix23 DNA Test are designed for early awareness and intervention before an issue can occur.

Consumers are faced with bewildering choice in the Healthcare Market. Genetix23 DNA Tests help to take the guess work away. If a client has a genetic variation making them more prone to something then one should focus more efforts on products and lifestyle changes that target that particular issue before the signs even begin to appear. The great thing about a genetic profile is that it will never change; the results will apply for the rest of your life.

Reliable are the results?

If we talk about reliability as the scientific accuracy of the process, it’s as predictable as can be, currently up to 99.96%. There is that small margin for error however we have technical measures in place to ensure very high accuracy.

Your genes play a big role on outcomes but it’s also important to realise that genes are not the only determinate, for example one’s lifestyle and diet can also play a role.

Will I ever need to be re-tested?

No, there is no need to retake a Genetic Test as your genes will never change.

In terms of testing DNA, your DNA is the same throughout your entire life.

This is a once in a lifetime investment that will ensure you never need waste your money again on products and treatments that are probably totally unsuitable for you

How is my presonal information protected?

Genetix23 takes your privacy very seriously.

To prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we use a range of technical and administrative measures to protect the information we collect about you our client.

What are genes?

A gene is a segment of your DNA (short for deoxyribonucleic acid) molecule that contains the instructions for how, when and where your body makes each of the many thousands of proteins required for life.

Your genes can also tell you whether you are more predisposed or not to certain pathologies, nutritional responses or skin behaviour.

What are gene variations?

Gene variations are slight changes in your genetic code that are present in at least one percent of the population. For example, one genetic “letter” (A, T, C, or G) may be replaced by another. These variations can lead to different processes in the body, just as altering one letter in a word can completely change its meaning; for instance, from “g”ap to “c”ap.


Why to Know My Genes, How Do I Care for My Health?

Personalised genetic screening test Genetix23, in addition to analyzing the gene profile to identify the risk it contains, are a basic tool for identifying individualized interventions and corrective movements according to the organization’s needs, relating to:

  • Medical monitoring
  • Preventive Testing
  • Nutritional Guidance
  • Change the Way of Life

What are SNPs?

When a variation affects only one genetic letter, it is called a “single nucleotide polymorphism” (or SNP, pronounced “snip”).

Because of these variations (SNPs):-

* your predisposition to suffer from certain patholigies is different from the next person.
* your skin ages differently.
* you absorb and use nutrients differently.
* respond to exercise, and cope with stress differently.


What is that makes Genetix23 tests superior to any other similar test?

Genetix23 tests are genetic tests that have arisen after long-term research in specialized laboratories abroad in the field of nutrition combined with health, metabolism and skin.
Genetix23 tests include the most complete genetic analysis with most polymorphisms by category from any other test.
Their biggest asset, however, is the detailed (according to scientific findings) answer, which is given in a very illustrative and simple way so that it is understandable to all.

The interpretation of the results and the nutritional and lifestyle recommendations given are the characteristics that make the Genetix23 test unique.